Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baring it All

I think it takes a lot to put you're face out there without makeup, but at the same time it also extremely necessary so you can see via pic how the makeup looks, changes and transforms what is already there. 

I probably should have posted these before my lippies of the day posts, but better late than never, right?!

These are me baring it all with absolutely no makeup, please refer back to these as I add looks of the day, etc. I have been experiencing a lot of redness and other not so fun stuff like acne with dryness. Yeah, doesn't seem logical, but I would describe my skin-type as combination. 
Combination skin could and does mean a lot of different things for lot of different people; so my "combination" is really = dryness, oiliness, acne-prone and sensitive. Phew, I'm sure there's more but let's make it as "simple" as not possible.

open eyes no makeup shot

closed eye, no makeup

lips nothing on and no makeup around the mouth here as well
sorry for the nose shot :o

and a side close up of my entire facial features

Again, hope this helps and remember to check back to these pictures so you can compare the change in colors from my  no makeup to makeup applied!

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